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Austin Youth Fitness Offers Home Running and Biking Groups for Pre-K to 8th Grade

Austin Youth Fitness
Obviously, this is a difficult time for everybody and many local businesses are getting hit extremely hard. We therefore want to use our little platform and help in any way we can.

We asked local businesses to let us know of any products, services, or activities they're currently offering, that can help Austin families keep their kids busy and make this time as enjoyable as possible for their kids and their whole family. In the coming days, we will be introducing those offers on our blog. Sign up for our newsletter, so you don't miss any of these awesome deals.

Read about Austin Youth Fitness' Home Running and Biking Groups for Pre-K to 8th Grade.
By Birgit Sund on April 9, 2020

Stay Active with FREE Sportball Zoom Classes

Sportball's free Zoom Classes
Obviously, this is a difficult time for everybody and many local businesses are getting hit extremely hard. We therefore want to use our little platform and help in any way we can.

We asked local businesses to let us know of any products, services, or activities they're currently offering, that can help Austin families keep their kids busy and make this time as enjoyable as possible for their kids and their whole family. In the coming days, we will be introducing those offers on our blog. Sign up for our newsletter, so you don't miss any of these awesome deals.

Read about Sportball's free Zoom Classes.
By Birgit Sund on March 30, 2020

Healthy Kids Running Series Coming Back To Cedar Park This Spring

Healthy Kids Running Series Cedar Park
The Healthy Kids Running Series (HKRS) is a national, community-based non-profit that provides a fun, inclusive five-week running series for ages 2-14, designed for kids to get active, feel accomplished and lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. HKRS is coming to Cedar Park again this April and May.

Read on for details and how to register.
By Birgit Sund on March 2, 2020

Spike Frog Volleyball Spring League To Start In February

Spike Frog Volleyball
Are you looking for a fun team sport for your 2nd-9th grader? Give volleyball a try!

Spike Frog offers a positive and safe environment where skills, knowledge, self-confidence, teamwork and friendships are gained.

We've completed our first Spike Frog season in the fall and can't wait to start spring season.
By Birgit Sund on January 23, 2019

Mermaid Swimming Classes Coming to Cedar Park [Giveaway]

"When I grow up I want to be a mermaid!"

Sound familiar? Then "mermaiding" might be the right thing for you and your mini-me’s. Find out what mermaiding is, where you can mermaid in Austin, and how you can enter for a chance to win a free mermaid lesson for your child and a friend. 
By Birgit Sund on September 20, 2018

Healthy Kids Running Series Cedar Park - Five Week Running Program for Kids Pre-K to 8th Grade [Giveaway]

Want to show and teach your kiddos that active lifestyles are fun, build confidence, and are a great way to meet new friends? Join the Healthy Kids Running Series in Cedar Park this spring! No matter your size, your speed, your athletic ability, or your competitive spirit, everyone fits right in. It is not a popularity contest; it is not ‘win at all costs.’

Register your child for the Healthy Kids Running Series, a five week running program in the spring and fall for kids from Pre-K to 8th grade. 
By Birgit Sund on March 20, 2018

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